Content Editing

So, you’ve copied the information off the product box… now what?  Sure it’s true that Google gives E-Commerce companies a little break on matching specification info, but that’s just enough not to get you penalized.  With Panda 4.0 now roaming the block you need to make sure your product pages have plenty of bamboo unique content to keep him happy.

That’s where we come in. Let our content management team create unique descriptions for your items and expand your wording to improve the power of your pages.  A little embellishment on those drab product factory notes can go a long way toward a successful SEO strategy by capturing long tail keywords and search hits.

Can you expound on that?

Let us process your words


$ $400

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  • 8 Hours Per Day
  • $8 per Hour
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$ 750

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  • 100 Hours
  • 3 Days per Week
  • 8 Hours per Day
  • $7.50 per Hour
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$ 1400

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  • 200 Hours
  • 6 Days per Week
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  • $7 per Hour
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User Generated Content Solutions

Let Tydal Wave connect you with trustworthy and value driven services that place the content creation task directly on the back of your visitors.  Through Q & A services customers can not only receive a higher level of service from your store, but also connect with other buyers to answer questions they may have.   The best part is that all of this conversation can be embedded into your product pages and provide a wealth of common phrases to your content.

It’s a long tail SEO’s dream and you never have to touch a keyboard.  It also provides huge amounts of product specific unique content. Our vendors have implemented successful strategies for our current clients, contact us today and put them into action for you too!